Meet Our Creators —


Andy Bonesteel

Andy Bonesteel has been creating fictional stories about mythological creatures and the supernatural his entire life. From Atari to X-Box One, from VHS to 3dTV, from cassette to MP3; Andy has spent the majority of his time in front of a television, at an arcade or drawing with his headphones on. He now works to become the man behind the screen by writing original screenplays, epic graphic novels and creating digital melodies. Gorey slasher flicks, psychological thrillers, hardcore shows, and death metal bands have kept his heart pumping black blood since his birth and now he is hoping that you'll enjoy the creations that bleed from his pen and pour from his brain. As the CEO and co-founder of Atomic Rotations, Andy has created the Epic Graphic Novel "Damien's Shadow" and he co-created and writes the comic strip "The Comic Lords". Andy is also the head colorist for Atomic Rotation.

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Demond Jones

Born and raised in Detroit city, Demond M. Jones is an aspiring comic book author, illustrator and screenwriter. As a life long fan of comics, animation and film, Demond is a walking encyclopedia of pop culture from the 80's, 90's and beyond. He was formally trained in various disciplines while attending Clark Atlanta University, as well as multiple internships which include Laface Records and DC Comics. As a founding member of Atomic Rotation, Demond has created three exciting new Epic Graphic Novels titled "New Salem", "The Power Evolution" and "The Last M.C.". Constantly sharpening and honing his skills, Demond is truly a supernova among the Atomic Rotation Galaxy.



Tamica S. Jones (no relation)

The Fayetteville, NC native (currently living in Michigan) is an aspiring freelance entertainment writer who has written for Yahoo! Voices (formerly Associated Content) for 5 years before venturing out on her own in 2012 with MoonChyld’s Entertainment on Wordpress, where she has developed a great following. An avid fan of the entertainment trinity – film, music & television – she also has a great love for comics. Her collection is quite eclectic with the likes of V for Vendetta, Jessica Jones & The Walking Dead. She looks forward to having a strong following as part of the Atomic Rotation galaxy as a blogger and content curator. Check out some of her writing HERE.

Matt Schneider AKA Schnerd

A lifelong resident of New York's Capital Region, Matt Schneider IS the definition of "nerd". Music, movies, and gaming have always been his best friends since being a kid; which is probably the reason why his work is so....out there. Matt always enjoyed writing and reading, and has now decided to give life to the weird creations that pop into his head. His favorite food is Salisbury Steak, favorite drink is Guinness, and favorite pastime is Bigfootin' (Big League Bigfoot Hunting).  Also, if you own a Beaverpigeon, and don't want the government to come and take it away, call him at 555-MATT. He owns a Beaverpigeon ranch that is safe from the evil government people.


Cedric Graham

Cedric Graham worked in the film industry in the camera department for about three years, then worked in locations and the assistant director department. He has a total of 7 working years in the film industry on TV and Movies such as Sleepy Hollow, One Tree Hill, Revolution to name a few. He has had a few nicknames and some people even call him to his face but Ceddy or Ced are his favorites.

Most of Cedric's writing has a heavy anime and eastern influence, He's also a big fan of the old west style of movies with "Young Guns 2" and "Tombstone" being two of his favorites. His current work can be seen in the web series that he wrote and directed titled "Viral".

If you would like to contact any of our creators please head over to our Contact Us page and send us a message.