All characters and designs created by andy bonesteel

All characters and designs created by andy bonesteel



Born with a combination of blood from the Head of the Omega Crown and the Elemental Hand of the Omega Crown, Damien Darknite's birthright is more than complicated. He’s a sarcastic, metal-head that has been studying dark magic and sorcery since his father taught him his first trick when he was 4 years old. Damien's father was regarded as the greatest illusionist in the world until he literally disappeared during his final act. A world-wide search was conducted but The Infernal Darknite was never found. Damien's mother lost her mind and was committed into Brickview Psychiatric. Damien was forced to move in with his step mother, Karen Cross. His much older brother Dominic began training him in dark arts from all over the world. He often skips school to try out new magic with his only friends Mike Bobo and Evonne Benton. Damien is infatuated with a girl named K.C. Hart who is just plain unobtainable to an outcast like him. Her boyfriend is the mayors son and the varsity quarterback for the Ashe City Cobras

On his eighteenth birthday, Damien gets his hands on his father's Book of Shadows. Damien performs a forbidden invocation of his shadow demon which causes him to lose control of his body while his spirit is trapped in the Necrosis Labyrinth.  His shadow has taken the new name; Overcast, and is wreaking havoc on what is left of Damien’s so-called life.

* Enhanced Strength in darkness
* Enhanced Speed in darkness
* Teleportation in darkness
* Can manipulate any shadows into Kinetic
Energy (Limited onlyby his imagination)
* Excellent knowledge of various forms of
Magic, Illusions and
Dark Arts


Dominic Darknite is the eldest son of DANTE "THE INFERNAL" DARKNITE. Dominic was trained in all forms of magic and the supernatural by his father and was taught discipline and determination by his mother, SHERIFF KAREN CROSS. His father would often travel the world "for his shows" while Dominic was a child and Dante would come home with legendary stories of supernatural and mythical beasts. When his famous illusionist father vanished off the face of the Earth, Dominic was left with a hefty inheritance and a ton of questions. He decided to take the money and use Dante's journal to retrace his steps and search for answers. Dominic created an alias to investigate the supernatural underground that quickly got named on the streets as SNAKESKIN because he is able to project light energy from his enchanted Python tattoos.  He hates the name Snakeskin and he constantly tries to push other names on to the people he interrogates but they never stick. He discovers that his father was the Leader of THE OMEGA CROWN (a ten member coalition consisting of  the most powerful Supernaturals, Alchemists and Light and Dark Mages of differing styles). After travelling the world to find the remaining Members, Dominic realizes that only a few of them are still alive. The others have either gone missing or were murdered. Dominic reforms the Omega Crown with the trustworthy survivors and takes over the Infernal Dante's head mantle as a LIGHT MAGE.  


"Crazy" Mike Bobo was destined to be the class clown with a last name like Bobo. He grew up in a trailer park under the bridge to ASHE CITY with a mother who was milking disability and and abusive alcoholic father. Crazy Mike was an only child so he basically raised himself. He has always been a prankster and a degenerate but he never had any bad intent, he just thought what he was doing was hilarious...and most of it was. Crazy Mike was a loyal friend to DAMIEN but he was notorious for convincing Damien to do ridiculous things. Crazy Mike was a loyal friend until he was arrested for the murder of Damien's stepmother, KAREN CROSS. When SERGEANT  CROSS was arresting him; Crazy Mike began speaking in third person, referring to himself as BOBO. Bobo blamed Damien and said that "he made BOBO do" it and that "it was just supposed to be a game". Damien never turned himself in to the police because he went missing the day Mike was arrested so Mike was convicted with 20 years to life imprisonment without parole. Mike's lawyer tried to push the insanity plea but because he killed an off duty Sheriff, the Judge wouldn't even hear it. Bobo has become somewhat of a cult leader in BRICKVIEW PENITENTIARY. The other inmates call him the homicidal jester and they know when the laughter stops, the bloodshed begins. He paints his face with the blood of his victims and his followers take care of the evidence. He is plotting the biggest prison breakout of all time with the help of his silent, right hand man THE SLASHER. 

K.C. Hart

Katrina Christina Hart was loved by everyone because of her positive outlook on life and her never say die attitude. She used to say "imperfection is perfection" meaning that the ability to accept that nothing is ever 100% perfect is the most perfect way to live. Her one downfall was her taste in men. She was always attracted to the players and the bad boys because they scared her and she wasn't scared easily. This led to a string of abusive relationships with her most recent douchebag of a boyfriend being the Quarterback for the footbal team, ALEX TOWERS. K.C. was the head cheerleader which made them the perfect couple in the eyes of a T.V. movie. Alex was also the Mayor's son, so he could get away with anything that he wanted and this included verbally and sometimes physically abusing his girlfriends. K.C.'s life took a sharp turn the day Damien walked up to her and kissed her out of nowhere. It enraged Alex and made her a target for Damien's mysterious stalker, PAPA VICIOUS.

Papa Vicious

Full BIO coming soon...

the rancid bros.

Full BIO coming soon...

Karen Cross

Full BIO coming soon...