Damien's Shadow #3 Update

Damien's Shadow #3 Update

What's up, my metal mages? I know it has been a minute since Issue 2 dropped. I want to thank everyone that helped contribute to our kickstarter to make it a success. With your help, I was able to spread my darkness into 5 countries across the world!

After a mental break and clearing up some technical issues; (my computer crashed after a hurricane last Fall) we are diving into Issue 3. If you thought things were starting to get weird in issue 2, just wait until you see the chaos that I have planned. The world of Damien's Shadow is a shrapnel bomb which is about to explode. We are going to ramp up the tension, make some shocking revelations and take some unexpected, twisting turns.

Issue 3 picks up right where 2 left off. The demonic prison Riot at Brickview Penitentiary serves as the front line of civilization. Implications of impending doom cloud the air and The Omega Crown is trying to keep things from spiraling out of control.

Marc Olivent is going to continue his run of fantastic, stylized art for the series and we couldn't be more excited. He's coming fresh off of another awesome book and is ready to get his hands bloody with your favorite D.S. characters.

As always, if you are an Artist/Writer/Creator/Colorist looking to showcase your work with Atomic Rotation or just provide some insight or exposure; feel free to reach out to us through our contact page.

Keep evolving,

A. Bones

Why Humans Swear Part 2

Why Humans Swear Part 2