Damien's Shadow Update

Damien's Shadow Update

Original Damien's Shadow Poster I made in 2006

Damien's Shadow Poster I created in 2015.

For the better part of the last decade, I have been creating, writing, and drawing characters, worlds, creatures and panels for my brain child "Damien's Shadow".  All the while, I have been working 40+ hours at various day jobs to pay the bills. I have come to the realization that if I am going to be able to give the best presentation of my book that it is about time to make alliances with more professional level artists. That is why I am pleased to announce the addition of New York based comic artist/ illustrator, Roger Henges. In the next week or so we will be presenting some of Roger's amazing promo work on Damien's Shadow.

Roger's first run at Damien Darknite

Roger's Work In Progress of Damien as Overcast.

Roger's Inked version of Crazy Mike Bobo with colors by yours truly, Andy Bonesteel.

Keep checking in for updates to know when Damien's Shadow will be available for order. If you are an artist looking for some original sequential comic work, feel free to contact us. We are always looking for new members of the Atomic Rotation Galaxy.

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